When we are brought into society, we are born to learn from what they have to give us. But how do you achieve a higher purpose than those that are around you? You learn. They say that "Power is knowledge" and these words are fact. The more you learn, the more you know how to adapt to such circumstances. So read, observe and know what's "popular". But remember, don't get sucked into the quicksand that is society. It is always important to keep your head. Look up to the sky for guidance, the stars know what to do.
Inspiration comes from what you find within a person as amazing to your perspective. So find those people's perspectives and find what you can do to be appealing to them. This is only a mask in many of life's masquerades, and the sooner you realize how to participate in "the Game", the sooner you'll be achieving something great. Leave your responses in the comments below.